Council Meeting Date: 14 December 2021, 7pm, Filesize: 364mb
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1. COUNCIL MEETING OPENED 2. INTRODUCTION OF MEMBERS PRESENT 3. APOLOGIES AND LEAVE OF ABSENCE 4. CONFIRMATION OF MINUTES OF PREVIOUS MEETINGS 5. DISCLOSURE OF CONFLICTS OF INTEREST 6. QUESTIONS AND SUBMISSIONS FROM THE PUBLIC 7. BUSINESS PAPER 7.1 Planning Application YR-2020/962 - 1 Rocksleigh Avenue, Tecoma 7.2 Planning Application YR-2020/323 - 14 East Avenue, Mt Evelyn 7.3 Planning Application YR-2001/2161/C - 1/313 Healesville-Yarra Glen Road, Healesville 7.4 Draft Lilydale Structure Plan for Exhibition, and Lilydale Heritage Review 7.5 2021-2025 Procurement Policy 7.6 Flag Policy 7.7 EOI6105 6809 Roma Avenue Group, Badger Creek - Special Charge Scheme 7.8 EOI6105 6805 Heath Road Group, Belgrave Heights - Road Improvement Works Special Charge Scheme 7.9 EOI6105 6808 Russell Road, Haag Road, Howard Street and Norman Berry Drive, Seville - Road Improvement Works Special Charge Scheme 7.10 Federal Government Road Construction Funding Initiative – Additional Roads for Inclusion in Program 7.11 Anderson Road and Grey Gum Court, Tecoma Variation of Special Charge 7.12 CT5505 Provision of Road Maintenance Activities Contract Extension 7.13 Municipal Recovery Plan and Storm Recovery Update 8. COUNCILLOR MOTIONS 9. URGENT BUSINESS AND ITEMS RAISED THROUGH THE CHAIR 10. PETITIONS 11. DOCUMENTS FOR SIGNING AND SEALING 12. INFORMAL MEETING OF COUNCILLORS 13. REPORTS FROM DELEGATES 14. CONFIDENTIAL ITEMS 15. DATE OF NEXT MEETING
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